meet the Allstate Digital Footprint®

The internet knows a lot about you, but it doesn’t have to. Introducing a better way to see — and help manage — your personal data.

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Tattooed Woman on Laptop. JPG.

What’s a digital footprint and why does it matter?

Your digital footprint is a record of your online activity. It includes what sites you’ve visited, where you’ve shopped, and what accounts you’ve created. More importantly, it can grow every day, and may leave you exposed.

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The allstate identity protection application open on a laptop displaying the 'digital footprint' tab.

Track where you’ve been online

Instantly get a list of online accounts, even ones you may have forgotten about. Discover which companies collect your personal information, and where you might be vulnerable.

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Spot possible threats

Data breaches are warning signs that your identity may be at risk. The sooner you hear about them, the easier it may be to get ahead of a serious problem.

The allstate identity protection application open on a phone displaying the 'digital footprint' tab.
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Two men sitting on the couch with their electronic devices. JPG

Finally there’s identity protection that keeps up with your digital life

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